Lexicon Strategies
We're the leading team of expert strategists working for you.

Character Building: SC Johnson, Nationwide, Bayer, Hershey's, Subaru, AFLAC

Partnering with NBC Universal and various media agencies, we created a multi-platform branded content franchise to help some of the world's most successful brands like SC Johnson, Bayer, Hershey's. Subaru, AFLAC and others authentically share the stories of their corporate pro-social programs.

For almost 10 years, our leadership has partnered with NBC Universal and blue-chip brands to help translate pro-social efforts to their consumers.

For almost 10 years, our leadership has partnered with NBC Universal and blue-chip brands to help translate pro-social efforts to their consumers.


• Developing and executing the most impactful story to achieve communication goals

• "Casting" the right internal and external spokespeople

• Coordinating intelligence and approvals across as many as 8 business units

• Identifying and targeting the key consumer audience

• Securing all locations for production and coordinating all logistics, safety and training for each site

• Managing every aspect of filming production and post-production

• Delivering video and interactive assets for over 10 broadcast, digital and social outlets

Each of these campaigns ran across multiple platforms: broadcast, digital & social.

Each of these campaigns ran across multiple platforms: broadcast, digital & social.

Subaru's Commitment to Zero Waste

AFLAC's Commitment to Children

SC Johnson's Commitment to Renewable Community Power

Nationwide's Commitment to Innovative Care

American Cancer Society's Commitment to Survivors

Hershey's Commitment to Its Foundation

Bayer's Commitment to Women



*project completed by Lexicon Strategies' leadership prior to firm's inception.