Becoming Better Ancestors: A Global Change Project
In 1980, the World Health Organization declared the world free from smallpox. For the first time in history, a human, infectious disease had been eradicated.
The 40th anniversary of this incredible milestone, in 2020, marked an opportunity to launch a lasting program to capture the lessons learned from smallpox eradication and teach them to a large audience. BECOMING BETTER ANCESTORS: 9 LESSONS FROM GLOBAL HEALTH TO CHANGE THE WORLD was born.

BECOMING BETTER ANCESTORS™ is an approach to creating reliable change at a global scale that inspires us to understand lessons learned from the past so we are better prepared for today’s global threats and the ones we will face tomorrow.
In partnership with public health leaders and program innovators, Dr. Bill Foege and Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Lexicon Strategies developed an entire changemaker empowerment program: a virtual learning series, curriculum and events featuring interviews with key global health leaders. At 9Lessons.org through dynamic chapters and video segments, the series explores 9 key lessons from the campaign to end smallpox and how they can be applied to current and future threats across various disciplines.

The series shows how 9 important core lessons can be applied to COVID-19 and other disease areas. The series then goes even further to explore how the identified problem solving methodologies could influence our approach to solving other societal problems, such as structural racism, gender equity, and criminal justice.
![[STATED NEED]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57c312e5e4fcb561cb84b7b7/1678311321328-0W3T609122OP31265CAV/13t.png)
Now more than ever, in the wake of critical failures in the COVID-19 pandemic, people trying to solve mounting existential threats to humanity need tools to identify and address these problems. Becoming Better Ancestors: 9 Lessons to Change the World provides these tools, as well as a framework for approaching changemaking work consistently and reliably. These tools and framework need to reach practitioners, students, policy makers and leaders at this critical and fragile moment in time.
![[STATED MISSION]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57c312e5e4fcb561cb84b7b7/1678311404366-J6M9NAHDVVSP2D2GX6XU/25t.png)
We are working to provide these tools to inspire and help changemakers across the globe address the critical problems facing our world today. These tools are the lessons learned from the eradication of smallpox, the only human disease ever wiped off the face of the earth.
![[STATED VISION]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57c312e5e4fcb561cb84b7b7/1678311468016-GS8X4DH1E8JMU6H26WTW/29t.png)
We envision a world in which there is global health equity, where everyone is protected equally: eliminating premature mortality, ridding the world of unnecessary suffering, and promoting the highest quality of life.
To develop this video series, Lexicon Strategies worked with key global health leaders and stakeholders to create messaging, build engaging content, and to present stories about ways in which the 9 Lessons have been demonstrated. Our work consisted of all aspects of video production including interviewing, filming, editing, creative content, and branding. Our creative experts built highly stylized logos and images to trnasform the 9 Lessons into an immediately recognizable brand.
To support the program, we developed a marketing and media strategy that encourages the use of the program and assets - all free of charge from the 9 Lessons website.
We created a logic model to help outline and concretely communicate program goals and activities, and to guide and focus program development. We conducted a deep dive audience analysis to determine the needs of the learners and the best ways to engage them.
![[CASE STUDY]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57c312e5e4fcb561cb84b7b7/1678311840571-TX0K7FU7LSV7VWJC9VR8/Screenshot+2023-03-08+at+4.43.45+PM.png)
While Becoming Better Ancestors highlights key public health lessons and their application to the challenges of today, The Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard University delivered a teaching case study that helps readers gain a deeper understanding of what it took to eradicate smallpox.
It brings readers on a journey through history and allows them to stand in the shoes of some of public health’s most trusted leaders who faced the realities of day-to-day decision making on the ground.
![[TOOLS & RESOURCES]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57c312e5e4fcb561cb84b7b7/1678463823011-8UN49BBUN2KOMKRQLURL/HMS%2BBWH.png)
In addition to the video series, we developed a suite of tools that are instrumental in teaching and supporting the 9 Lessons.
The Learning Guide is an engaging and insightful companion tool for use with the video lessons. Presenting each lesson’s main ideas, summary, and thought-provoking reflective questions, it can be used by a variety of audiences and in many teaching strategies.

The Wallet Checklist is a quick reminder of the 9 Lessons and was developed so that those working in public health keep the 9 lessons in mind in all aspects of their work

Two podcasts, Infectious Ideas: Eradicating Smallpox and CDC Foundation: Nine Lessons for the Next Generation are conversations about eradicating smallpox, featuring program founders, Dr. Bill Foege and Dr. Mark Rosenberg.
Eradicating Smallpox: Delivery Strategies to Reach the Last Mile, is a Case Study developed in partnership with the Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard University. This teaching case helps readers gain a deeper understanding of what it took to eradicate smallpox.
Our social media engagement from official launch in October 2022 to February 2023, includes more than 239,000 social media impressions, 85,000 media impressions and more than $740,000 in earned media. Over 200 public health professionals have downloaded our teaching guides and social media kits, and we have seen great demand for the next phase of the project.