Lexicon Strategies
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Causing An Uproar: National Geographic and Toms


<h2 align=center>"Now that we have your attention..."</h2>

"Now that we have your attention..."

In partnership with NatGeo’s “Big Cat Week” and Toms, we shot with spokesperson Kate Walsh to champion and spread awareness of the Big Cats Initiative. This powerful public-awareness campaign mixed Kate’s passion for protecting big cats in the wild and NatGeo WILD’s breathtaking footage of these majestic animals.

Cat-Like Reflexes

We’re no strangers to tight turnarounds, but this unique collaboration was a whole other beast. In our efforts to be extremely well-prepared, we created a ready-to-use graphics toolkit that enabled us to go into post-production immediately after the shoot. Timeliness was of utmost importance to the effectiveness of this PSA, and in less than two weeks we went from production to on-air.

Branded Content & Digital Activation

Branded Content & Digital Activation

As part of the campaign, we drove viewers to a digital platform where they could learn more about the campaign and access additional exciting content from “Big Cat Week.” We hope that with our small part in promoting this essential cause and your support, the Big Cats Initiative will surpass its global reach that’s already touched more than 26 countries worldwide.

*project completed by Lexicon Strategies' leadership prior to firm's inception.